Rest, Relax & Rewind

I've been going back and forth with this decision, but now, I feel like it is time to finally announce that I am closing down the B&K shop until further notice. A few months ago, I had a little shop with a few items and customers. It was tough setting my brand apart from other bows shops on Etsy and Storenvy, but with the help of Instagram and the B&K campus rep program, I was able to gain a decent following for my store. Almost eight months later, I never thought B&K would get this big and it is time to make some changes.

For the next few weeks, I will be working on improving the overall brand and store experience. I have read all of your suggestions and reviews about our products. I will take all of your ideas in to mind when it comes to designing new products and lowering the current production time. It has been difficult to find time between my full time job, my personal life, and B&K. Juggling these three things have definitely been a challenge for me. I honestly love what I do in Human Resources and B&K. During this break, I hope to finally get some rest (yes!), hire an extra employee, and create a schedule for personal events and work.

I do not have an exact return date for the store. For this reason, I have also decided to shut down the campus rep program for the spring. I know a lot of you were excited about the spring program and have already sent me emails about your interest in joining the team. When I decide to open the summer campus rep program, I will send email reminders about the application process.

I would like to recognize all of my campus reps from Fall, Winter, and Spring. The B&K campus reps have done such an amazing job at promoting the brand.

Because of your continued support, B&K continues to grow. I've sent bows to girls from Florida to Hawaii (still waiting on you, Alaska!) and even to Canada and the Netherlands. I've enjoyed seeing all your photo posts on Twitter and Instagram on how you styled your bows. It makes me so happy.

Thank you.

xx Paulette

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with everything! You are my favorite bow shop. I'll miss seing your posts.
